Just placed a phone call to Tunica, or should I say...to the Goldstrike, never actually tried to call a TOWN...that would be funny! The first event today, a $230 buy in, has filled 405 seats. Hmmm...not bad, not too bad at all. Wasn't sure just what to expect. Thats a good start. For those who keep calling, texting and emailing me about 'what are the tourneys gonna be like up there in Tunica?' here ya go:
Thats all you need. Because if you are looking on Cardplayer you will not find the structure...which a lot of us 'real' players use as a barometer when deciding which tourneys to go and play. Just click on the event that you see...it will bring up a seperate box with the structure.
So, my opinion of the structure? Well, I almost want to just bite my tongue, since its obviously NOT going to change. Its a Johnny Groomes product. Same as the Beau Rivage spring event. They have some called DEEPSTACKS events. Well, you be the judge. In the 'DEEP' stack event you get 10,000 chips, but 30 minute blind levels. In the regular events...you get 6,000 chips, but you also get 50 minute levels. The structure on them all are the same. I see my incessant lobbying for the return of the 100/200 level with 25 ante has been ignored. So once again, we will see the attrition rate in Levels 4 and 5 be astounding. And you can just about count on being close to the money by the dinner break.
Its going to be hard going from such a beautiful structure all summer at Venetian to this. But the one draw back to the Venetian was the number of tourneys where you would log 10 to 12 hours and not cash. At least at these....if you put in 8 hours of more you are more than likely going to be in the money. Granted, you will be in the middle of a crapshoot, shovefest...but at least you will be in the money. My advice? If you care? Be active early, don't raise a lot...see lots of flops in Levels 1, 2 and even 3...and try to trap some bad players for their whole stacks. Get yourself to Level 4 with 2 or 3x the average and you have a chance to make it deep. Otherwise...ha! Good luck, hope those Jacks hold up when you finally get them in level 6.
Not sure why Johnny and company think its such a great thing to get their tourneys done so fast...but they sure are holding to that. Oh well, it is what it is. You know it going in...so I guess we can't bitch about it right? Only way to truly show your disagreement is to not show up. And we poker players just don't do that, do we!??? Besides...for all the time you spend belly-aching about this event, you just get to turn around and do it again three weeks later when the Beau Rivage kicks off the Gulf Coast Poker Championship...because that event is pretty much a carbon copy of this one.
We're such suckers!
kind of hard to believe that Harrah's is kinda offering a better product than the Beau as for as tourneys go....They should be embarassed by that alone!
Small clarification. The $550 tourneys are 6,000 and 50 minutes. The $340's are 5,000 and 40 minutes. All of the hold 'em "deep stacks" are $340's with 10,000 and 30 minutes, so almost a wash after about level 5 in my opinion. Just wanted to offer that in case anyone was using this to decide on attending.
Yeah the fact that, as bad as Harrah's events have been recently...that we would EVER be having a discussion about structures and find ourselves reflecting on how much BETTER a Harrah's event's structure was compared to an MGM (B.R. or Goldstrke) is strangely ironic, isnt it! I agree, they SHOULD be embarrassed. Oh well.
Thanks for that clarification. I didn't actually click on each event. Just assumed it would be as I mentioned. I guess that gives a little more value to the $340 Deepstack events then, doesnt it? Still...they both pretty much suck, IMO. Thanks again for throwing that out!
BTW, Today's "deep stack" had 333 players. Was at 77 at the diiner break, paying 27. Thought you might want to know.
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