I've found lately that some of my best days have come when I play NO poker.
Well, I was told I would have an answer on the Beau Rivage situation today (Tuesday), which is two days before the GCPC event begins. But, no call came. So now I will sit and hope it happens tomorrow.
Called Harrah's New Orleans again, that makes 9 times now. Each time...I have gotten the voice mail of LaKreisha, who is still 'away from her desk.' How irritating is that? Something that will require someone to look up, nod their head, take it out of the system, and be done with it? And I can't even get anyone to answer the phone. Sigh.
I've been on this horrendous non-sleep thing, that I can't seem to break out of. It's freaking me out. I can't seem to fall asleep til well after 6am. I think part of the reason may be the book I'm reading.
My most recent book was the follow up to "Against All Enemies" by Richard A. Clarke, titled "Your Government Failed You." Its another book about our Counter-Terrorism capabilities and the inner workings of our government as it pertains to the CIA/NSA and FBI. It's pretty convoluted. The flow and ease of the first book were great but this second book is a struggle. I find the same problems I found when trying to read Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope." Too wordy. I find myself reading these very long, confusing sentences...you know you are overmatched when you can't figure out where to put the emphasis on certain sentence elements. Then you go back to reading and re-reading the sentence again, trying to ascertain the full meaning of it. In other words...its a very hard read. And a bit redundant.
So finally, I put it down, walked back to the back office, and grabbed one of the 8 Vince Flynn books I bought before I went to Vegas that I was waiting to get into. I had already read Flynn's last three books, all of which were awesome. So I picked up his first ever book, "Act of Treason." That was four days and 320 pages ago. What a great book. I can't put it down. Going from reading the Richard Clarke book to the Vince Flynn book was like going from 'War and Peace' to reading anything by John Grisham. Its over before you even got started. Well, the good news is I have 8 more after this one. There is nothing that will get me away from laboring over online poker and that misery like a good book. So that's a nice addition to my life.
The other thing that's been troubling me is my health. I have a history in my family of heart disease, and my cholesterol levels have been high since I was in my early 20's. I lost my health insurance when I quit my last job as a liquor salesman 4 years ago, and after marrying Squirrel this year, finally got health insurance again. So today was my first trip to the doctor in over 4 years. For a physical. For starters, I KNOW that I am out of shape. So this past weekend, I joined Planet Fitness. Now I just have to get going. Pretty sure the results of my doctor visit should accomplish that.
Went to see Doctor Chance. Great guy. Really cool, laid back...and explained things great. My cholesterol came in at 257, which is very high, but honestly, I expected to break 300, like I did 5 years ago. But my good cholesterol was really low, and my bad cholesterol was really high...so I am kind of a walking timebomb. He put me on Crestor. So with that, with exercise, and with my diet improving, I should be able to turn things around.
After the doctor I went and toured the gym. Very nice people there. Seems like a fun place to go work out every other day. Then went to Office Depot, and got two new mice. Two different mouse pads. Boxes to pack up all my magazines that have been piling up for the last two years, and a new router. You see...I have this hobby/habit that Squirrel makes fun of. But I like it. I have every Sports Illustrated and Playboy since like 1988. I pack them in office file boxes. Its cool to sit there and pull out magazines from 15 years ago and look at them. Really cool. But thats just me. I sort of have a goal/idea about starting a really cool sports bar. If I happen to win a few BIG tourneys, and can get everything paid off, get us a house...and put money away in the bank...it would be fun to open up a place. I have a TON of old sports memorabilia to put into a place. And a ton of experience in the restaraunt and bar business. So its not like I would be going into blind like a lot of people do. Make lots of money, dump it into a bar/restaraunt, lose their ass...close in 3 years. Nope, it would do well. And Squirrel and I could work at it together. Once upon a time she was a great bartender. She has a great personality. I would love having her as a business partner!
Anyway, got the new router hooked up. Seems to be running my computers a lot faster. Maybe now I will quit getting disconnected at the wrong time...like after I raise with AA, and have some dipshit move all in behind me. CONNECTION LOST! Hand folded. FUCK! Then try calling Cable One and seeing if they feel any pain at all for you. Nope, not very often. I hate that company. Bunch of fucking idiots working down there.
The other day I completely cleaned out those file cabinets in my office. Tonight, it was the closet in there. Threw out a whole lot more shit. Really have had a great week in the 'getting things straight on the homefront.' Paid the bills for the month...that's always fun.
On my way home I stopped off at Sonic to get a bag of one of my favorite things...SONIC ice!!! I love their ice, in those little round pellets. So good! Go home, dumped out the ice in the icemaker...and filled it up with Sonic ice! Been drinking delicious Sonic Ice Sodas all night!
Anyone watching this hurricane off the coast of Mexico? Wow. If that was in the Gulf it would be front and center on every newscast in the nation. But this thing is barely getting noticed. And it is a freaking monster Category 5. I sure hope it doesn't wipe out all their tourist resorts like Cabo San Lucas. And those people who live along that coast...poor things. They are all really poor. People are refusing to leave because they are afraid what pathetic possessi0ns they DO have will be stolen if they leave. So instead, they will stay and probably die instead. So sad. We really are quite lucky to live in the society that we live in.
Michelle Gielan. Remember this name. Her and that chick on HLN (Headline News to those not so lazy that they don't mind saying the whole thing!) Robin Meade. Who watches 'Family Guy???' Remember that epidsode where Brian is dating that chick Jillian? Blonde, big tits? Otherwise hot, in an animated cartoon hot kind of way? They whole family clowns her...since she is a total dipshit? You know that episode? And Stuie says at the end...."oh I'm sure you're really going to miss her Brian...with her inflection on every statement, ending every sentence in a questioning fashion...." You know that episode? How she talks? "I thought we could go to see a MOVIEEEEE later....and then after that get something to EATTTTTT, followed by some SNUGLLLLLLING on the COUCCCCHHHH..." This is what these two girls do on these news shows do. Michelle is on CBS' news show late at night. Its like, they took some fucked up journalism class that suggested this was the way to read a prompter. End every sentence with that stupid inflection at the end of it. It is literally making me want to punch myself in the face!!!!!
Squirrel got a new phone. Finally. She got the iPhone. So guess who has been tasked with 'figuring out how to use it!?' You got it. Couldn't get my computer, and my iTunes to recognize it. Ended up spending hours trying to figure out why. Ended up deleting iTUnes from my computer, as well as every Apple application on it. Downloaded a file from Microsoft, Windows Installation Cleanup utility. Amazing. I guess when you download a program to your computer, it leaves behind a huge file, an 'instal file' that bogs your computer down. Well I ran that...and I think my computer now runs about 10 times faster. Downloaded a new iTunes. Her phone was recognized. Got that all set up. And boom! It was 5am. Wow, how boring is THIS blog entry?
Ended the month with 5553 hits last month. Incredible.
Watching this news report about how Obama's approval rating is plummeting. People are so gullible. 'Reports show that most Americans want our troops out of Afghanistan.' What? Who are these retards. No, that is the ONE place we should have never left! In fact...we went in there late, AFTER Bin Laden had already retreated into Pakistan. If we had gone in, right away, and went after that prick...and flushed out the Taliban, totally!...and NOT left to go fuck around with Sadaam and Iraq, the world would be a totally different place right now. But instead, we did. We let the Taliban, and Al Quaeda reorganize and grow stronger over a 5-year period. So now we are fighting a whole new monster in Afghanistan. The 'War on Terror' as Bush branded it, was deserted so he could go fight his little 'Payback War' in Iraq for 7 years. Bush fucked this country up so bad...him, and Cheney and Rumsfeld...absolute morons, what they did to our military, and in turn our economy.
So for people to bitch about us being in Afghanistan, I suspect it just comes from the 7 years of frustration that we have experienced in the Middle East. But its where we need to be right now. If Pakistan somehow becomes overrun by Muslim extremists, we are fucked. Pakistan has nukes, in case anyone forgot. The first thing they (Muslim extremists- Al Quaeda/Taliban) will do is obliterate India. Try giving these fuckers a powerful Navy (which India almost has) and nuclear capability. Then see how much closer this war gets to our home soil. No, we need to be over there. We just need to put our foot down on the right peoples' neck, and not take our foot off of it.
I get a kick of those people who think there are 'good muslims' and 'bad muslims.' The only 'good muslims' are the ones who aren't open with their disdain for the 'infidels.' US! They are the sneaky little fucks, who like to live here, own businesses here, exist in our society. Oh, sure...they aren't hell bent on 'destroying the infidels' like the extremist are. They are basically just trying to live life somewhat normal, make some money and get ahead. And a lot of them 'talk a good game.' But know this, if push came to shove, and they had to pick sides...you're fucking STUPID if you think they would take up arms and fight for the US of A.
And health care reform? Come on! I am so sick of the way our political process works. Democrats and Republicans make me sick. And now that I am older, and get things...its even more frustrating. When you are young, you are just kind of blinded by the bullshit. You convince yourself, "well they are older than me, wiser...I'm sure that whatever they are doing MUST make sense, there must be a reason for it." Well, now I am 42. And I realize a lot of these pricks in office are just that...PRICKS. Greedy, power-hungry assholes that don't give a FUCK about America at all. Its all just a game to them. I really believe that Obama is TRYING to fix this nation. And the only thing stopping him is the political machine. I think his health care plan is pretty sound. But leave it to the Republicans to find the smallest openings to over-dramatize the smaller flaws in the plan and blow it all out of perspective. I am so sick of those assholes.
Look, its pretty simple. Here is Monkey's plan for Health Care Reform. Ya ready? Tell me what you think.
First of all, we have a few issues in this nation relating to health care. There are a lot of people who work in the medical industry who make a LOT of money, so they are the ones who stand to lose the most. And therein, I think, really lies the biggest roadblock to building and maintaining a health care plan for ALL Americans. You have the Health INSURANCE companies. You have the DOCTORS themselves. You have the PHARMACEUTICAL companies. A lot of people with a lot of vested interest.
Mix in the societal groups. You have the ELITE and SUPER RICH. Then you have the WEALTHY. Followed by the MIDDLE CLASS. And finally the LOWER CLASS and POVERTY (and unemployed, whether middle class or lower class) stricken. FOUR basic groups. We all know the Elite and Super Rich can afford health care. As most of the wealthy can.
So this is our health care plan: Your level of coverage is dependant upon a few factors. Most of it having to do with your current or past employment. Everyone in every tax bracket will be paying a certain percentage INTO the health care system. The only ones NOT, obviously are those who are unemployed, which right now makes up a pretty large percentage of our country. Those people would be the primary recipients of the program. But their level of benefits would also be decided by factors, such as past employment. Those people who are 'welfare vultures' will have the lowest level of health coverage. They can increase their coverage by getting a damn job!
Just using a scale as an example (not necessarily the proper number) the poor would be taxed, say 2% of their income, middle class 4%, wealthy 6% and the super rich 8%. Not sure how close those numbers are...but I'm guessing pretty close. In return, each class gets a certain level of health care. What that would achieve is keeping those top doctors in their same earning capacity, because most of their patients would be the people who can only GET those benefits. Or afford them. Nothing much will change for them. If you are poor, really poor, and never had insurance...you will now HAVE insurance. You won't be able to go to the top doctors, and your benefits will be pretty limited, but you will not DIE in an emergency room awaiting coverage.
Because of the stupidity of the color coded alert system set up by Homeland Security I would totally avoid doing something like that with health care classifications. But some kind of branding would be necessary to simplify the process.
This can all be done. And it can be done correctly. The existing infrastructure in the medical professions would be able to remain largely intact. The funding will come primarily from the government, and be paid for by the taxpayers. But, there will also be a second layer of coverage to all of the insured. You will be provided with a certain level of coverage. A level that will cover every necessary medical need. But for optional procedures, or things like plastic surgery, that will come from individual health plans, or 'supplemental' health coverage. There is no need to bankrupt the country to give people TOTAL coverage. Let's have a system where everyone can be 'taken care of' without having to go overboard.
I really think this is what Obama is trying to do. I also think Obama is trying to win this fight on terrorism. All the bullshit about him being a closet Muslim before the election, I believe was just that...a bunch of bullshit. This guy has 4 years to make a difference. He isnt stupid. He knows that being black is something that is going to make people put him 'on the clock' a lot earlier than any other President ever, to make things happen. I really think he is committed to bringing greatness back to this country. He sure has MY support. I am really rooting for him. I just hope he doesnt let us down like GWB did. God, what a horrible 8 years of failed policies that was! Look there is something people need to realize. These conspiracy theorists out there who think Obama was 'a plant' by the extremists who have been waiting for this day so they could carry out their master plan. Our system is set up so that ONE person will NEVER be allowed to do the kind of things to our country that would ruin it. One person cannot gain the kind of power necessary. There is a good reason for a two-party system, and 2 limit max's on the office of President. To avoid that. That and the fact that our military, and our security agencies have their fingers on the pulse of EVERYTHING that is going on behind the scenes, all the time. In fact, if there was an office to hold to bring ruin to the country, it wouldn't be President. It would be something a lot more low profile, but equally important, like Director of the CIA. Or National Security Advisor. You could do a lot more harm in one of those positions. There are just too many eyes on the President.
So with that said, GO OBAMA! Do work, brother!
There ya go. My political rant. I can't wait to read the comments!
Had my 3rd of 4 fantasy drafts tonight. They seem to all be going about the same. Lots of running backs and quarterbacks going early....and a lot of slim pickings at the end. I have no idea how my teams look. They all seem to be pretty good on paper. Its just got me excited for football season to start. Its a shame that my season, or rather, my Huskies' season is probably going to start by getting the shit kicked out of them this weekend by LSU. Who knows, maybe they will pull the upset. I know that will piss off a lot of you readers. I know I have a lot of you out there in Tiger country! Sorry...but my Huskies need a couple big wins this year with our new coach and our need for a good recruiting class next spring. So you will forgive me if I get a little giddy should we spring the upset this weekend. And if you kill us...don't bother giving me shit about it. When you have been getting crushed for three years (thanks TY!) there isn't much that can hurt your feelings!
This is another thing I wonder about...as I lie here in bed at 4am or whatever time it is (late) and watch these stupid fucking late night commercials. Do these commercials irritate ME more than most people? Or do you all find them just as annoying? Those Progressive commercials with that dark haired chick? Ugh! DISCOUNT!!!! All the Geico caveman commercials? The Sonic commercials with the dorks in the car? ANy commercial featuring a local attorney? And my gawd...these guys who own car dealerships that make commercials? What are they thinking? Do they ever shoot the commercial and then go into a screening room and actually watch the thing before deciding to air it? Or do they just shoot it and ship it? I would NEVER buy a car from these clowns. In fact, I would rather go down to their dealership...ask for the guy...and then punch him in the face, and leave. As I write this...here we go...another stupid caveman commercial...one of the newer ones...really stupid, attempted Music Video theme, "Will you let me, one time......let me be myself....." (*&@#$*&@#$) God I hate those!
Oh and then there are the infomercials. "Hi, what are you doing tonight? How bout calling me, I'm here, waiting for your call! Call me!" And then the others...with the guy yelling at you. Oh...that guy? Billy Mayes? Oh yeah. He's dead! And that chick in the commercial about calling her when I am feeling 'lonely'....she is dead too! Yeah! That blonde chick with the weird face...who's eyes seem to far apart, and her skin really bad? That is that broad who got chopped up and stuffed in a suitcase! The one Bill put on our front page a couple weeks ago, only that wasn't her Im pretty sure. That was the wrong girl in that photo. Yeah...that girl is now dead, but her bad commercial lives on. As do Billy's. My question...isn't it kind of creepy to watch a dead guy pitch any product? And you can't help but feel guilty when he is yelling at you about some bad product and you are thinking...."jeezuz dude, why don't you go die!" Oh shit...my bad...I guess you did, didn't you?
The Madoffs. Bernie. Brother Peter. Sons, Andrew and Mark, who supposedly he confessed to and they turned him in. Those motherfuckers. The lives they ruined. Somewhere near 65 billion in money they bilked customers out of. Now the feds are trying to find all the money...to try and get something back for all the victims. What makes someone put a scheme like that together? Where you KNOW you are fucking people out of their life savings? Here was a guy, a Jewish guy...born in 1938, around the time of WWII. Who spent a year at the University of Alabama. Yeah...Roll Tide. He sure did that, didn't he!??? I watch movies like Schindlers List and find myself feeling pity and sadness for the plight of jewish people. Then I hear about this guy....whoa. Not sure where you draw parallels in life. Does what Madoff did compare to what Hitler did? Well, I don't know about that, it is JUST money those people lost right!!?? Killing 5 to 6 million Jews is pretty much going to win you the Penthouse/VIP suite in Hell I think. But I think Madoff has an excellent chance of at least getting the Presidential Suite. Bastard.
Wildfires in California are at it again. The house that they shoot my favorite show "Entourage" went up in flames last night. What sucks is that Vince just spent all that money getting his home set up with security. What now? And when will we ever get Jami Lynn Sigler off of that show? Like seriously, who owed WHO a favor in that casting disaster? Come on Jami Lynn....please go get married to some rich guy and leave us all alone with your terrible acting!
I think I am done now.
I sure as hell hope I hear from the Beau Rivage tomorrow. It would be nice to know if I am playing the GCPC or the WCOOP online. Oh well, at least if its WCOOP my connection should be good, and my mouse should work!
Free Bad Food! Oh, Joy!
time ago, I wrote and posted up a scathing restaurant review. The sad spot
of my ...
1 week ago
Just a random thought: The movie about the MIT Blackjack guys was named, "21". Will the movie about the life and times of The Poker Monkey be named, "86"? Good luck with the Beau and Horrors.
Steve B.
Obama will fail because he wants big government. That has never worked and never will. Socialism is good in theory, everyone pull thier weight and we work for common goal and everyone gets a piece. But fact is too many lazy no good fucks sit on their ass and want thier handout. So the top of food chain are expected to tow the line for everyone else (and middle class too). Hey, I was hoping the brotha would be something great. That he would be a centerist and something special but he is looking more like a Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reed propagandist. What should we expect from a community organizer turned president. How can we forget 20 years of his associations with corrupt ass Chicago politicians and his CHURCH! You cant distance yourself from loons when you been hanging out with them that long. Hell I want a black president but not one that fucks up the country.Colin Powell should have ran.
how about
"good Will hunting....for another casino"
aa offsuit
Steve B 1, Monkey 0
ESPN will be carrying that as an instant classic!!
Hope to see you at the Beau Tuesday in my monkey suit. But, if not, i'll find you in the kiddie games down the street!!
This is a useful post for me i enjoyed this post.........
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