This was written from 30,000 feet and is being posted! Nice! Technology RULES!
“The cool kids club” Who wants to ‘really’ be a member? It’s a funny thing about human beings. Success tends to breed a sense of entitlement in people. The more people succeed in a particular field the more they feel they are entitled to certain things. One of those things, I suppose is a different brand of people.
I notice a trend developing among the people I tend to associate with. I can’t decide if I think its disturbing or not. I was forced to address once again on our last night in Aruba. Joe and I, along with his buddy Steve decided to hit a little Italian joint along the beach for a late dinner. About the time we were finished eating we got a text from Dave Fox, asking where we were and what we were doing. Told him. He let us know he was at this place called the Screaming Eagle on Eagle Beach…which as it would turn out was a very cool restaurant. Nice décor, good wine list, really nice. Well, there was a large group of poker players and some wives over there.
We arrived, and their table was right smack in the middle of the dining room. About 18 of them. And there was my friend Allie Prescott, along with Liv. Others present included Matt Brady, Matt Bryant, Layne Flack and others you may or may not know. What happened next caused me to start thinking to myself….”Hmmm…what the fuck! Should this be pissing me off?”
Couple things here. At the risk of sounding petty, sometimes its best to just say nothing. I mean, how do I come off on this type of topic? Does it matter? I don’t know. I just find humans to be incredibly ridiculous sometimes, and I guess when I am done with this it will start to make a little more sense.
Now 24 hours prior to this I sat at the bar at the UB party talking with Allie. One of his quotes was “Gosh Monkey, its nice to finally sit and hang out and talk to you. We didn’t get to spend any time together on this trip.” Really? Didn’t GET to? Okay, well, I specifically recall NOT playing poker for 3 entire days on this trip. And my whereabouts were very well documented. I was very much available to ‘hang out’ with friends on this trip. So I guess walking into this dinner party and seeing him there with all these ‘friends’ was kind of irritating. When the dinner plans were being made, I guess the thought never crossed his mind to ‘call Monkey and see if he wants to join us’ for dinner. After all, he DID manage to snap off a call to me a couple months ago for me and Squirrel to drive over to New Orleans to join to him and Liv for a night of dinner and drinks to celebrate her ‘Tour of America.’ So that was rolling around in the back of my head as the three of us sat down at the bar and looked at the people at the table, including Allie. Two seconds later I see him peer over at us. Okay, acknowledgment of our presence.
Then I sat there and grew more and more incensed as 17 minutes elapsed. Joe could tell I was kind of pissed. He, in fact, nailed it on the head. One of things I like a lot about Joe Cutler. He is very intuitive and picks up on the simple shit. He made a quip like ‘Oh gosh, I guess we fall short in the bracelet category to get invited to this dinner party, Monkey.” And yeah, that pretty much summed up what I was feeling.
Well when Allie did finally make his way over to the bar, I was kind of at my ‘ready to get the fuck outa here’ point, and Joe knew it, and had no problem complying. So I literally addressed Allie with “Well, hello Mr. Prescott, that only took ya 17 minutes.”
Now does this make me a bit of a prick? I don’t know. Maybe. But you know what? I don’t give a shit how many fucking bracelets you win. How much money you win. None of that counts for shit with me. If you are my friend, then you know what? You are my friend and deserve to get treated with respect and how I would want YOU to treat ME. So, had the shoe been on the other foot…had I been out with 18 people, say with Squirrel, and Allie and a couple of guys ambled in and sat at the bar…it would have taken me a maximum of 3 minutes to get up from the table and walk over to greet him. But that’s me. And I am trying not to believe that Allie isn’t the same way.
I just know that when I am in Vegas during WSOP…and at some other bigger events, and the ‘cool’ group of players who have made some major scores lately are around, my roster spot on the depth chart seems to be affected accordingly. And frankly, its bullshit.
Back in high school and I guess even before that, it was unfortunate, but your ‘coolness rating’ was often times determined by your scoring average or how many times you scored a TD. Having a hot cheerleader girlfriend didn’t hurt. To a certain degree, this still exists. And on some levels, its pathetic. We are poker players, and a lot of us were also good athletes when we were younger…so from a natural standpoint that we are super competitive, there is going to still be some of that pecking order bullshit.
However, maybe its because I have matured…or just figured out what REAL friends truly are all about. I know what I look for in a friend. I don’t like a person who kisses my ass and tells me I’m wonderful. IN fact, I hate those people. (well not hate….that’s silly. But they annoy the shit out of me) No quite the contrary, I prefer being around people who tell me how stupid I am. How bad of a player I am. How ugly I am. How fat I am. How nothing I say is intelligent. Yeah, and the types of friends I have…I tell them the same shit. If you can TELL me that, and it flies, then you are my friend. If it doenst fly, then you will know you aren’t. Period. If you are talking, talking, talking…and I never say anything back, in fact, I just look at you like a lion sits looking at a gazelle right before tearing its neck apart and devouring it…its probably because nothing you are saying is remotely funny, interesting, or useful. You should quit talking to me. Immediately, if not sooner. And go away.
Couple observations. Guys like Matt Brady…I don’t know. I like Matt. Not sure if he ‘likes’ me or not. I know we get along good. Dave Fox. I like Dave. He is one of the most likeable guys I know. And I don’t think there is one ounce of ‘uppity’ in him. I think I could win 10 bracelets in the next 5 years and he would treat me exactly the same way. A lot of people mumble a lot of shit about how certain players act after making a huge score. Some of it is just simply that, shit. When I hear rumors, and they involve my friends, I really don’t put a lot of stock into them, until I have a chance to make the personal assessment myself, or question them about it. Too many people like ‘taking shots’ at people for no other reason than that their own lives are fucking boring and they need to stir up some shit to give their lives more meaning or excitement. I wish those people would all just suck a big garden hose full of shit. I really do.
Let me bottom line this. When Monkey here finally wins something that the whole world knows about…and I will, I can make you a couple promises. (1) The friends who were my friends BEFORE I won…will still be there, if not more than before. (2) Taking on new friends will become very difficult, as my paranoid nature will constantly be telling me they are only interested in befriending me because it either makes them look better or they want something from me. (3) I will probably become a lot more reclusive. (4) I will definitely spend a lot more time with my wife and even go visit my family a lot more, and play a lot less poker. (5) There will probably be a lot more people calling me an asshole than there is today. Why? Because I am not real good at dealing with fake people. And I am not good at being fake. My wife? She is a lot better at it than most. She can charm the skin off a snake. I don’t know how she does it. She is amazing. Sometimes I just sit there and watch her operate and say to myself…”wow, that guy is the biggest fucking prick, and such a douchebag…and she HATES him…yet she is probably making him think she wants to leave me for him….incredible!”
I think I am done on this topic. I am actually writing this on my flight home. Why? Well, I was going to play some online poker…as they now have this wonderful wi-fi as you fly technology on board….or do they? Yeah, well, it didn’t work on the way down and its not working now…so I thought I would write a little bit about ‘friendship in life, and poker’ so there ya go. Hope you enjoyed that little story. Meanwhile…I’m hungry.
And BOOM! Flight attendant comes ripping up the aisle with that metal box of terror…the beverage cart…and my elbow just becomes another unwilling victim….thanks ladies! Nice pink sweatshirt. Lose a breast, take an elbow!
Free Bad Food! Oh, Joy!
time ago, I wrote and posted up a scathing restaurant review. The sad spot
of my ...
1 week ago
Really good insight, but now I see why you ignore me when I try to engage you in conversation. No harm, no foul!
btw, are you sure your not just a "regional" friend? I seem to have lots of those. They LOVE hanging with you when you're in a certain place (Southeast), but not in another element (Aruba).
Monk... NAIL ON THE HEAD! You and I had this conversation... hmm... let me see... I believe it was in New Orleans after the Blackjack debauchle with Aillie and Myself, and the other guy .... cant remember his name!
I agree with you, I felt myself starting to fall victim to this and I appreciate the words you said to me (I hated you then, but I understood what you meant later!)...
Brandon Jarrett aka "tenbigblinds"
monkey monkey... poor monkey. your this is your drunken blog reader again. Your on target here. One thing your missing though- I have met you / played with you too. You need to rise above the 'follower' role when it comes to these bigger names. Remember you are pretty smooth too to hang with. Fuck, someone calls you up, Where you at?, and he is an 'a' liner and your a 'b' liner, you need to shag him and let him come to you. Reading your blog for more that a year I could easily be your head doctor. You need to quit with the worrying about rep and notoriety (however it is spelled) and worry and you and chipmonk (Squirel). hell your cool enough without hanging with them other pecker heads. quit with the worrying about all that shit and play better poker. Think ivey, daniel, farha worried with crap like that? nope. drinking a cold beverage with Allie isnt gonna put cash in your pocket or put you in the top player points.
take it from the drunk.
See ya monk. again- dont postt this shit.
and BTW- brandon j needs to clean up his shit. he done dropped his damn nice wife and kids in pursuit of what your talking about in this blog! wtf. she a divorced hot woman in cartersville ga gonna tear up the town. what was he thinking? he wanting notoriety too i guess more than his wife. so so sad. dont fall in those tracks friend.
bttw, u ever seen her? he will kick his self some day!
ALBRIAN: Why I ignore you!?? Ahhh come on now. I had a feeling that might hurt some feelings out there on accident. If you come up to me, and I am in the hallway at a poker tourney..chances are, I just took some fucked up beat, and at that moment wouldn't talk to Jasper, my best buddy in the world (my dog)! As per 'regional' friends as a category? yeah...something like that, I guess. :) NOt too big a deal, not to make anyone think this shit keeps me up at night, cuz it doesn' just gives me something to be annoyed over, more than anything! Thanks time you come up to me, make sure you tell me who you are! And maybe have some standup material ready for me!!!!
New Orleans. Blackjack Debacle? Not placing this. The night we all went out to celebrate? And you were drinking FROM the bottle of Grey Goose? Not sure what I said to you at the time, and why you felt the underpinnings of hatred at whatever I said...but glad you have come around the bend since then.
Thats the night! Please delete the obvious retarded post above!
I'll do the second one first. Regarding Brandon. Brandon had his own reasons I'm sure. How much they were related to poker I am not sure, and frankly, its none of my business. I will not EVER allow poker to take away from me the things that are important in my life, my wife especially. I think I am pretty good at balancing everything in my life that is important. Trust in a relationship will circumvent a lot of issues that come from being a poker player for a living. As far as her being hot and all that? I've never met his wife, only seen pictures. I'm sure shes lovely. I wish them both the best.
Regarding your other comment...first of all, JUST noticed where you said 'dont post this shit' at the very end...and had already posted it. Sorry, don't be too upset. But its a good post anyway. I totally see where you are coming from, and to an extent agree. But trust me, I don't 'grade people' that I hang out with based on their standing in the poker community. And I am not a 'follower', never have been, never will be. If you were to ask anyone that I am tight with, they would laugh at the mere suggestion. The direction I flow in is directly based on the mood I am and what and where I want to be at the moment. I don't care WHO is playing the flute! Appreciate the comments regarding my 'smoothness' abilities! You think I need to play better poker? Why? Playing bad seems to produce SUCH better results!!! If you don't believe me drive up to Tunica, or log onto Stars for an afternoon!!! Thanks for your comments bud.
and BTW- brandon j needs to clean up his shit. he done dropped his damn nice wife and kids in pursuit of what your talking about in this blog! wtf. she a divorced hot woman in cartersville ga gonna tear up the town. what was he thinking? he wanting notoriety too i guess more than his wife. so so sad. dont fall in those tracks friend.
bttw, u ever seen her? he will kick his self some day!
Whoever left this comment is a MORON! My X-WIFE chose to leave me... for another retard who was married as well! It had nothing to do with poker you MORON!
Please make sure you have your facts straight before posting in a public forum.
I love how some people are so self-indulgent that they will go to any length to keep the hype alive. All the while, their integrity goes down the drain. I suppose results > integrity for some and thats sad.
My only question is, what is the method to the madness? When one name flips into negative roi land a new name appears? I'm just curious.
And btw, I'm not the only one that is aware of these actions. Actually, the whole world is because your ego gets in the way of thinking rationally.
With that said, the consensus is to carry on. The more accounts you have in the same tournament the more positive EV you are creating for others.
And Monk, this is not directed towards you.
hello mr monkey. Somehow I feel I owe you one massive apology. reading back some of the comments; I didnt mean to sound so ... hmm.. mean. I just read your blog, laugh.. sometimes roll my eyes, but all in all love the storys. I dont wanna come across too shitty sounding. And poor BJ. damn ... what can I say.. maybe I didn't get my facts straight there. and it isn't none of my business... but I may be mistaken but mayn blog entrys ago I think monk said you and tiff m came into the club (vegas) and pissed everyone off... so the way I was reading it, sounded like they were together. (while bj was married) whatever tho... none my business...
oh Monk- loved the part abou the boxer shorts hanging out of your luggage lol
let me drink a few more beers... i wanna revisit that bj comment...
damn- didnt mean to start a shit storm from bj. i actually was back peddling and he didnt realize it. multiple account? I didnt say anything about those did I? feeling guilty i guess. I gust call it as i see it. BJ always promoting himself, lose of friends. sad trying to be pro. thats all i said was I didnt wanna see monkey down like that. I dont want trouble. next subject please.
ha! After re-reading bj's comments; he thinks people follows him. no sir I don't. i cant help it you keep posting.broadcasting/renting billboards your business. multicounting, thats new to me that you do that. I didnt say anthing about that... wanna explain? sounds like your fessing up to that pretty easy though. Brother I don't have a problem with you, I find it sad you've lost every damn thing you originally was due to poker. waiw wait, before you get mad bj- Let it soak in. You quit your job after was wonderful year, maybe what a 100k job, then next thing i know your rubbing dicks with some of the biggest asses in the poker world. next you've dissed (well, i shouldnt say dissed) , well, the i will say .. no more pix and chatter about family but chatter about you and others is all we saw. what you want us to think? think about that for a day or so before you reply. then maybe you will agree. brother i want you to improve. be a man that others arent. dont defend yourself here, love yourself for who you are, not what you wanna be. poker- pfffff. alright, ydf is in the mode tonight. gl friend. Monk- sorry i got this ignited but it is like holding a rattlesnake by the tail- what do I do? lol
Hey speaking of; that latest blog; dude that wrote you the email; I loved it. seemed like he was on key. smart dude. he and I see equal... oh well. Besides all of that, playing the IP? maybe I can make it. I gotta run, gotta $2 bi calling my name.
Multi-Accounting .... NEVER! I had to open new accounts accross the board to secure my funds from a Roothless X-Wife that stole $40K and more of my Cash before cheating on me while I was in Vegas!
Lost Everything.... Buddy I have never been better. Yeah it sucked to get drained of some cash, but I decided to give up a $500K home so my kids will have a decent place to live when their mother has them (replaceable item). So, what have I lost? A cheating/whore of an X-Wife and a small amount of Cash that was replaced quickly?
My former job as and Engineer.... That program was due to be scrapped by the Japanese anyway. And you know what, I have enough business since that I don't need to wear a suit/tie and work for someone else on a daily basis.
Advertising .... It's called marketing and it works! The goal in poker should be to have othere revenue streams generated by business OFF THE FELT! Marketing.... Public Promotion.... ECT.... Building a business within a business. I mean really .... Just look around
This is not accomplished by silence!
Rubbing Dicks.... Really? Who would this refer to, I have no friends within the poker community. I hate everyone in Poker and my one goal in life is to TAKE their and more Specifically YOUR $!
Hey Brandon,
I don't know you personally but have met you a couple of times through Monkey. If you're a friend of Monkey, you must be a pretty good guy. With that being said, I have played at a table with you on occassion and find you to be a really good player. I was not writing this to discuss poker though. I am not only a poker player but an attorney also. I handle alot of divorces and have even been through a nasty one myself about 20 years ago. I just wanted to give a little advice. You can take it or blow it off, that's your choice, but I really think it is something to take to heart. Regardless of how bitter you are towards your ex-wife for her actions leading up to the divorce and even if she still is acting in a way not approved of, she is the mother of your children and ALWAYS will be. My advise is to refrain from posting derogatory statements about her or even talking derogatory about her. This is something that you don't want your children to read or hear because it will only drive a wedge between YOU and your children at a later time. Children are able to forget and forgive alot more easily than we as adults are. They only know they love their parents and don't like to hear negative things about either of them. Anyway, I wish you the best in all of your endeavors now and in the future and look forward to playing some poker with you soon.
Finally.... Some intellegent insight and useful constructive criticism. Thank you.... that I can take. If a man can't take constructive criticism, he has no place in this world.
I would also like to thank you for the compliment as well.
I have worked hard to keep a positive outlook towards the mother of my children - IN FRONT OF THE KIDS. I do see your point with the negative statements I made RE: her in this forum (Monk I authorize you to delete... if you dont I understand).
Thanks again for the "CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM" and the COMPLIMENT... Cya on the felt!
- Brandon Jarrett
Let me get this straight, you admit to multi-accounting and justify your actions because everyone else is doing it....but then you realize what you just said(typed) and start backtracking and say you NEVER multiaccounted. I would ask "which one is it?" but we all know the answer.
Rather you are playing multiple accounts in the same tournament or in different tournaments, having more than 1 account is a blatant violation of the rules and you know this!! You call yourself a professional?
We are fortunate enough to have people who fight tooth and nail everyday to protect our rights to play this game we love. These people work their collective asses off so that you can sit in the comfort of your home and play poker on the internet. Everyday they go to take a shit on their efforts. How does that make you feel?
You can continue trying to be billy badass the hustler and cheat people (yes, having more than 1 account is CHEATING) or you can man up and make yourself legit. Its your choice, but one comes with severe consequences.
Unfortunately the current framework of internet poker relies on the players to govern themselves to a certain extent. As players, it is our responsibility to speak up when someone is bending/breaking the rules. I am not the one that discovered your actions, I'm just the one speaking up.
And btw, nobody wants to join your fan club....give it a rest.
P Floyd you should re-read what I stated and my reason. I do not condone it nor am I multi-accounting.
When the integrity of an account is compromised by an individual with malicious intent, a new one has to be created.
Please re-read what I stated.
As far as a "fan club" - I have nothing to do with that. Please contact Poker Players International or log on to They handle all of that stuff.
Warm Regards,
Brandon Jarrett
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